Situated at the southernmost point of the European continent, Punta de Tarifa, the goal was to reach Nordkapp, symbolically recognized as the northernmost point of Europe, following the route closest to the coast, using bicycles, and aiming to be self-sufficient while leaving the smallest environmental footprint possible
Eliminating CO2 emissions by reducing the expedition's environmental footprint was one of the premises; however, this is not the only impact of the trip. Many other equally important aspects, such as our actions, accommodation choices, and consumption habits, all play a significant role
Emphasize the harmony between the joy of exploration and the appreciation of the beauty in our environment, underlining the absolute necessity for its conservation and protection
Waves & Tyres combines two of Piter and Misha's passions: travel and surfing. Throughout the journey, in addition to all the necessary equipment, they brought along their surfboards to explore and enjoy more than 600 beaches along the route
The other face
During their journey, they traversed areas previously affected by environmental catastrophes, highlighting the significance of our commitment and actions toward the environment
Pedrogao, Portugal
A forest fire that ravaged a significant portion of the territory to the north and northeast of Lisbon, preceded by a intense heatwave that resulted in the desiccation of forests and soils
Costa da Morte, Spain
The oil slick that impacted a substantial portion of the Galician coast, marking one of the largest ecological disasters in the history of Spain. Thanks to collaboration and public awareness, the situation was mitigated and brought under control
New Aquitaine, France
During their journey along the French coast, they encountered multiple heatwaves and unusual fires for the season, clear indicators of global warming
Solidarity actions
Consuming local and seasonal products, minimizing waste, and using reusable utensils to reduce plastic usage are some of the commitments undertaken, along with implementing compensatory actions to mitigate their impact as much as possible
For each province covered, Bosquia, an organization dedicated to reforestation and preventing soil degradation, planted 5 trees, reaching a total of more than 300
Garbage collection
Throughout the trip, a significant number of bottles and plastics were collected. This small action could have a significant impact on our ecosystems if we all contribute
Not just a destination
Throughout the days, the kilometers transformed the environment into a dynamic entity. Ultimately, the environment, fauna, and ecosystems became interdependent, not specifically on themselves, but on their inhabitants. Human presence, and therefore its impact, alters the environment in numerous ways, and the importance of conserving ecosystems became increasingly evident as they moved away from large concentrations of population
A journey with an almost negligible environmental footprint across more than 13,000 kilometers, aiming to inspire our society, raise awareness about the importance of caring for our environment, and contribute to a positive impact on it